This board is for submitting and voting for ideas to improve innuOS (subject to approval). Please do check if the feature you have in mind is already been submitted before posting a new one.&
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I would like the InnuOS to have the capability to directly download bought music from websites such as BandCamp and HDTracks...
In the Now Playing screen track time is displayed as elapsed time and total track time with a sliding bar that shows progress....
It is great to be able to filter playlists by source or attributes. The same filtering feature could be used for “playlist...
Please add the ability to search with boolean operators (Mozart AND piano, NOT concerto) to allow us to do more relevant...
Please implement transfer of queue to another player, as is in LMS.
Currently, the Added date on a TIDAL/Qobuz album that has been added to the Music Library is the date that album has been...
Hi, With TuneIn restricting radios in the UK and adding commercials everywhere else, we are implementing a new Internet...
It would be helpful to be able to add a trach or a series of tracks (playlist) to a Tag & Genre without having to enter the...
It would be helpful to have an icon indicating albums already in my library. Oftentimes searching for albums to add to my...