Add ability to add search results to queue or playlist

Xavier Donat

Navigate to: Music > Tracks > Search
Enter Search String
Today it’s not possible to add all the resulting tracks to play queue or to a playlist


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Say I search "Carmen"... I get 72 tracks among the results. But all I can do is select them individually. No ability to select all or select multiple track to add to a playlist or to the queue... This was possible with iPeng albeit imperfectly through the "Play all songs" function on the search results. This is much needed!



Sounds like a duplicate of my original request here which was set to Live, but only partially implemented (in my opinion). I added some comments to that effect, plus I've voted on this ticket. feedback.innuos.com/b/feature-requests/play-shuffle-or-create-playlists-from-search-results/

The ability to either play direct from search results, or to bulk add to your queue or create a playlist (from search results) would be useful.

So could see a feature that allows search -> add all to queue (or save as playlist) -> then play or shuffle or alternatively just a 'play or shuffle all results direct from search' option. (useful across albums, artists or tracks or search)

Some great improvements to date - if we could extend whats been done to the album view, to the artist, track and global search (show all) views, this would cover all use cases i.e. being able to multi-select and either add to queue, play mix or create a playlist :-)



Plus one here: I wasn't able to find a way to add a song found through Tracks/Search to an existing playlist

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Stephen Healy

Hi Xavier, we would need to consider the case-use scenario for this. There does not seem to be an equivalent on Tidal or Spotify for example; could you describe what kind of terms you would be searching for in tracks for the kind of playlists you'd be creating?


Xavier Donat

First use case:

I run foobar2000 plugin “Dynamic Range Meter” with the option “Write DR meta data tags” on all my files. This does two things:
1. It generates a file with the results of the analysis
2. It creates two custom ID3 tags in each file: first one is “ALBUM DYNAMIC RANGE” with the average DR value for the album. Second one is “DYNAMIC RANGE” with the track DR value.

Then I use TagScanner to append the DR track value to the track title, it only when the DR value is above 14. I also use the same “Generate” feature to append the “ALBUM DYNAMIC RANGE” value to the album title (no matter what the DR value is).

Then, in Sense, I use the search feature in “Tracks” to locate files with “DR1” in their title. This gives me all the tracks with a DR greater or equal to 14.

Naturally, I would hope be able to quickly add all those files to the queue. Being able to immediately navigate and listen to those High Dynamic Range tracks.

Here is a second use case I can think of easily:

I often search for all the different versions of a song. Let’s say “Come Together”. I have so many versions in my library. I would like to be able to easily queue them for playing.

I am used to using “DS Audio” app, from Synology. The default behavior when you search anything is that when you click on one item of the search result list, it adds the track you clicked plus everything after that item to the queue. I got used to that behavior and I think this is very practical.



Sounds like a duplicate of my original request here which was set to Live, but only partially implemented (in my opinion). I added some comments to that effect, plus I've voted on this ticket. feedback.innuos.com/b/feature-requests/play-shuffle-or-create-playlists-from-search-results/