Add filter by genre/tag to Artist browsing

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Allow filtering by genre in Artist/Composer view to allow browsing composers (or other artists roles) for classical music. in iPeng it was possible foe example to browse separately Classical composers and Jazz composers.


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Nuno Vitorino

Status changed to: Live


Nuno Vitorino

This is now available on innuOS 2.4. You can see more details here:


Nuno Vitorino

This is now being implemented for version 2.4

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Nuno Vitorino

Status changed to: Testing


Nuno Vitorino

Status changed to: In Progress


Jose Vita

For me, it would be nice to be able to tag album artists, and then filter the view. Or at least to be able to filter artists by the genre of their respective albums, as one can do in the tracks view.


Nuno Vitorino

Merged with: Filter Artists Tag/Genre



It would be great to have genre filters for artits and be able to random play by category


Nuno Vitorino

Hi, you can go to albums, filter by genre and play a random mix based on that. Or use the Smart Mix "Create your Album Mix". Would this fit your need?



When I go to Albums, I can sort by Artist and by Album, but not by Genre. The filter option gives me the Quality and Tag option. I do not understand how to filter by Genre.


Dick Besse

It would help see in the overview of albums which albums are marked as favourite. Before dive into the menu of album settings.
Just scroll through your albums and see which is favourite is or not. Also sort on not favourite!!! Which album will you add and did you forgot?
It will create a more dynamic sorting of albums.
It's also possible with rating 1 to 5 star.
In this way create a smart mix of your favourite albums.
Maybe this is a new request. I made a new request.



The more I use 2.0, the more I miss the ability to filter the music in the artist view: being able to lbrowse artists in a specific genre or within a specific tag would make browsing for music much more powerful (especially if combined with a list view). I hope this can be added easily as you already have the filters and the artists views. (and adding the conductor role as one of the artist views would be very helpful too)


Alexis Nolte

Browsing by genre would be great. I find it intuitive to look for an album by drilling down genre>artist>album. Allowing to filter artists by genre (like it’s done for albums) would allow to do this.


Mark Buckle

Make the filtering available in the top right of the ALBUMS page available in ARTISTS.
Currently classical & rocks artists are all mixed together. Claudo Abbado & AC/DC are next to each other.
I like to brouse classical by composer & rock, folk etc by artist

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Nuno Vitorino


Nuno Vitorino

Merged with: Additional Browse Modes



This feature (a LMS plug-in perfectly functional in InnuOS1.4) has proved to be simple yet powerful to enhance browsing the music library: it allows one to create additional views (by album or by artist) based on a specific genre: for instance, I have created a library view (button) which lets me view all Artists with "recital" albums, or all Albums with chamber music including a piano part...... This feature becomes priceless when it is coupled with an "extended" ad hoc use of the GENRE tag. By and large, it is a great help in managing the music library as a whole. Could a similar "additional browse modes" feature be implemented in InnuOS2 ?

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