Add ‚Sonic Analysis’ feature as found in Plexamp software


Recently a friend showed me his streaming solution using Plexamp software. Overall Plex is not on par with the Sense App but one function really impressed me. It is called ‚Sonic Analysis‘ and offers several new ways for accessing your library.

For example you can use the ‚DJ Stretch’ tool for expanding user created playlists with additional music titles chosen by the computer. This allows owners of large local libraries to explore their music collection in completely new ways. The choice of titles is often as tasteful as surprising and seems to be a real game changer in how local music libraries can be explored.

Plex is a small company with a limited number of developers not that different to Innuos. Therefore I assume that this ‚Sonic Analysis’ tool is based on open source software modules and possibly not that difficult to implement.

This function is not to be confused with AI like OpenAI or ChatGPT. It is based on a database scan generating a fingerprint for every file. Some details can be found here: support.plex.tv/articles/sonic-analysis-music/

It would be great if you could give this a thought. In my opinion it will not take long until the market sees functions like this as a must-have.


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I also use Plex and the sonic analysis is very impressive. Not sure what they are using and if it's open source or not but it's a great way to explore your music if you have a large catalogue. The DJ feature is a nice touch... it basically dynamically updates your queued tracks on the fly, based on different options i.e. inserting a sonically similar track, to the one that is playing between each of the tracks in the queue, for example. It's a great way to expand existing playlists or go on a musical adventure! It also shows you sonically similar albums to the album you are playing i.e. like related albums (images attached for reference / if useful @Stephen Healy)


Stephen Healy

Certainly something for consideration; services like Spotify do utilise BPM (beats per minute) analysis as a way of identifying sonically similar songs as part of the suggestion algorithms, but this kind of software does normally come in from another provider at a cost. Plex is largely free but does have a Premium Pass revenue stream, i'd have to investigate the likelihood of them using open source modules.