Add Tag to Playlist


It would be helpful to be able to add a trach or a series of tracks (playlist) to a Tag & Genre without having to enter the 'edit album' function. Same as the 'Add to playlist; feature.


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I agree that playlist tags (which may be not only genres) could bee very useful: It would then allow filtering playlists as already done by source or attributes. The same filtering feature could be used for “playlist tags”: we could assign tags to playlists corresponding to categories, genres or people in the household for example. In this way I could show my playlists separately from my wife’s, or Jazz playlists separately from Opera playlists (they would be tagged manually as such). This would be very useful as I now have a growing list of over 65 playlists of all kinds. So giving them categories and filtering them by category would be very nice and would further leverage a mechanism you already introduced


Stephen Healy

Hi Harry, there are two different elements here;
1. Absence of multi-track select
2. Tags/Genres are applied on an album level, not a track level.

These two points already exist as feature requests elsewhere on the Feedback Zone, with point #2 previously requested by yourself.

The idea of assigning tags/genres to an entire playlist is not something previously requested, so will leave this open for voting on the basis and rename the request accordingly.