Editing on TIDAL Playlist via Innuos Sense

  • Live

Stephen Healy

Sense app will be able to add and remove TIDAL tracks on a playlist that originally was imported/created from TIDAL. This will auto-synchronise with TIDAL directly and not require a 'Resync', meaning these playlist changes are bi-directional between Sense and the Tidal app.

This will include adding tracks from one TIDAL to playlist to another one, having them both synchronise.
This would also include transferral of songs from a TIDAL playlist to a 'Sense' one where you could begin to merge it with tracks from other streaming services/local files, but these would remain local to the Innuos device.


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Stephen Healy

Status changed to: Live


Stephen Healy

Status changed to: Testing


Stephen Healy

Status changed to: In Progress