Filter and Sort Search Results


Adding this additional feature, based on the comments / discussions in innuos.upvoty.com/b/feature-requests/sort-albums-by-artist-in-the-album-view/

This is to enable filtering and sorting of search results.
- Search in album view -> then allow filtering of the results (i.e. by quality or genre) / sorting of the results (i.e. by title or artists A-Z or Z-A)
- Search in track view -> then allow filtering of the results (i.e. by quality or genre) / sorting of the results (i.e. by Title, Album or artists A-Z or Z-A)
- Search in global search -> then 'show all' on album or tracks -> allow filtering / sorting of the results per the above

Note: you could instead allow searching on filter results, but this would then be an odd journey from places like 'global search' for example.


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Adding filtering, sorting, playmix and add to playlist / queue from the global search results would be super useful and cover so many use cases (i.e. similar to what you can do in the album view, but after you select 'show all' from search results on Albums, Artists or Tracks.




  • D


The album view new features are great i.e. both the filtering and sorting and mullti-select, and then being able to play a mix, or add to a playlist based on the selection. It would be super useful to extend this across artists, tracks and especially global search. This is really what the original request was for (in addition with this request ->feedback.innuos.com/b/feature-requests/play-shuffle-or-create-playlists-from-search-results/


Malcolm Kelt

This discussion is going round and round, lots of good input, I still feel a pinned A-Z is necessary to make navigation of stored albums less onerous. Currently too slow with too many clicks.



You can now sort in the album view, 1 click to bring up the menu and another to select either A-Z, Artist, Added Date or by Date... just wanted to check that you were aware?



Yes, but this does not work for search results...

  • D

Malcolm Kelt

Thanks danfoord, I was aware of this, it's just too many clicks, leave an A-Z legend pinned down the side, bottom or top, one click instead of three, doesn't seem much but if you a lot of albums it becomes tedious. This feature is available on all the other main apps I have used.
I spoke to Nuno a while back about this, he explained that implementation was not uniform geographically and were looking for a solution.


Stephen Healy

A pinned A-Z bar is planned on the next software update.



This thread is now becoming a “designated successor” of the thread “Sort Albums, Artists and Tracks” for search results.

While there have been great new capabilities in sorting albums and artists, there is still no way to sort the albums under an artist, or the results of a search.

When I look at albums with Johann Sebastian Bach as composer for example, I have no idea in which order the albums are sorted: it is not alphabetical and does not seem to be by artist either. So I have over 100 albums showing up in random order... and there are not options to sort the results: Not practical. Please add sorting options: ideally I could chose by Album name, by conductor, by Album Artist, date issued, dated added, source, etc...


Mike Hughes

I like being able to search across my library, Tidal and Qobuz but the results page usually contains a lot of Information I simply don’t need and thus slows down finding what I do.

It would be useful to be able to further customise the search results so as to remove those elements I don’t need to see. So, something like a series of tick boxes enabling me to say that I don’t want to see Qobuz playlists as a search outcome (because I don’t hand any) or that I don’t want to see Tracks for any library.


Stephen Healy

Merged with: Further customisation of search


Nuno Vitorino

Hi Mike,

On the top of the search page you can restrict by source (ex: Only local library or only Qobuz). This should restrict the results considerably. Do you mean you'd like to get results from all sources but just albums for example?


Mike Hughes

Hi Nuno,

I’m aware I can restrict search by source but I think it would be useful to restrict further so that, for example, in my screen shot, I could untick a box and not have Tracks appear for any source. Ditto Artists or Albums.

Does that make sense now?



Nuno Vitorino

Would it be useful to you to search just albums in all sources? If it's a single source, I do feel the 4 options are not that confusing (IMO) and allows to have sometimes results that you're not expecting, inviting you to explore more.


Mike Hughes

I think it would be useful to just be able turn off artist, tracks, albums or, playlist search outcomes as needed. It’s not that the results are confusing. It’s more that being able to remove unnecessary or non-required things for you as an individual is always a good thing.

In my case I also have a different perspective in that I’m a sight-impaired user so I’m keen on user interfaces that don’t require lots of scrolling and give me what I need quickly. That won’t always be the same thing.

So I may do one search across all sources where I want the results to simply be tracks because I know I’m looking for a specific track. The next search I do I might want just albums as the result as I’m looking for a specific album.

I hope that makes sense.