"Grey Out" a song from an album in my Music Library

Edward E.

When a desired album is added to my library, I would like to be able to have an option to elegantly "grey out" a song in the album's "song list" that I never want to hear when playing the album, regardless of whether the album is sourced on local drive or streamed from Qobuz. I can "UN-grey" the song out later if I desire. When a song is "Greyed out" it would remain in the list, but, the track would be ignored by the player when the preceding song is completed; then the player would play the next "UN-grey" track in queue.

Details: from the images attached, a "Grey Out" option could be added in the drop-down list found within the song's ellipsis "option". A reverse option would appear if the "Grey Out" is invoked. You could call it "Skip" and "Un-skip", or, perhaps a better naming convention for best UX intuition.


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Stephen Healy

Status changed to: Open



As noted. I really like the "heart" feature for my favorites. There are many albums I have where there's that one or two tracks that I always skip manually. So the option to do so automatically would be appreciated. Thank you.


Stephen Healy

Merged with: Never play track please.


Anders Persson

I have a similar problem. Have favorited a lot of kids music on Tidal for the kids, but I don't want to play those when I'm doing like random play etc. So would be great if I could exclude some playlists and/or tracks/albums.


Jarvis Lo

why don't you just erase them ?



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"Rock the Casbah" could go, but I think something terrible would happen if one were to delete "Stairway to Heaven". Perhaps always is too strong a word.

The feature as described by Nuno Vitorino, if implemented, would be great.


Nuno Vitorino

We were thinking on similar lines on a "hide track" feature. This would allow to see/play albums without those tracks but then have a way to make them visible/playable again if one changes their mind.

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Alexis Nolte

Greying out would allow to keep the ripped CD complete and not delete a unwanted track: tastes evolve with the added benefit of deleting all greyed at some point if needed.


Edward E.

Agreed. That is acceptable. Thank you.


Edward E.

Perhaps the word "never" is too restrictive in the spirit of the original "user story" drafted. Instead, please consider substituting the words "don't wish to currently hear" in place of "never" in my original User-Story entry.

/never/ ... please change to...
/don't wish to currently hear/


Nuno Vitorino

This indeed was something being considered and we find it especially useful for ripping CDs where instead of deleting tracks you may not like now (but like later) you could "grey" them. Later on, on the Library Dashboard, you could potentially delete all "greyed" tracks if you wanted to release space from the server, for example.


Edward E.

Greetings Nuno, from your comment above, I view the "delete" add-on functionality you introduce as a tangental use-case which leverages the original idea for a pro-active "reductive" HDD strategy for full-disk (or near full-disk) capacity management. From that perspective, your 'delete' strategy makes complete sense. However, my original (and primary) suggestion is to be utilized during the playback UX phase, as a simple/friendly playback "listen to" curation option. Thus, the spirit in my original request is to primarily "grey-out" the songs in an album in my library (sourced either locally on my SSD, or, from a linked Streaming Service - e.g., Qobuz) whereby and I can effectively "Grey-out" a track out (e.g., by choosing a "Skip from Playback" option ?) from being played, but, I could also invite the previously "Greyed out" track back into playback later for normal listening playback (e.g, by choosing the "UN-Skip" option ?), when desired. Hope that elaboration and subtle distinction are helpful. TY.


Nuno Vitorino

Status changed to: Under review