My HiFi components are active 24/7, but if I am away for more than 12 hours, my smart home server switches them off and camera monitoring and recording is switched on. The length of my absence is indefinite. When I'm back everything will switch automatically again. .... except the pulse...
Understood, thanks for clariyfing. We are generally hesitant when it comes wake/sleep on LAN on the reliability on this, nor have we worked much on extensions for automated home control systems.
Will leave the topic open for voting nonetheless.
Our devices do not have a standby as such, they are running or they are booted down completely. In the context of the servers that are designed to stay on 24/7, is there a strong need to an automated power up and power down script as opposed to just leaving on?
Activity Newest / Oldest
Klaus Kulinna
A remote-controlled shutdown.
Opposite of WakeONLAN
Stephen Healy
Merged with: SleepONLAN
Klaus Kulinna
My HiFi components are active 24/7, but if I am away for more than 12 hours, my smart home server switches them off and camera monitoring and recording is switched on. The length of my absence is indefinite. When I'm back everything will switch automatically again. .... except the pulse...
Energy costs are very, very high in Germany.
Stephen Healy
Understood, thanks for clariyfing. We are generally hesitant when it comes wake/sleep on LAN on the reliability on this, nor have we worked much on extensions for automated home control systems.
Will leave the topic open for voting nonetheless.
Klaus Kulinna
A shell script would be nice and an openhab binding would be ideal
Klaus Kulinna
Yes, I need an stand-by or shutdown - initiated by my smart-home controller (Debian VM with openhab)
Stephen Healy
Our devices do not have a standby as such, they are running or they are booted down completely. In the context of the servers that are designed to stay on 24/7, is there a strong need to an automated power up and power down script as opposed to just leaving on?
Stephen Healy
Hi, do you mean an auto-standby for a power-saving benefit?
We already have a standard remote shutdown and reboot features within the app currently.