Innuos Radio

Bert v H

I would love to have an Innuos Radio playing new music based on an algorithm of recently played, frequently played and my SSD own music


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This would be a very welcome feature. As others have commented, this is the one Roon feature that has me longing to go back to Roon.

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Markus Wildenberg

That would be great!



We have been requesting this function for years but unfortunately it is never performed.


Stephen Healy

As with many features, there is a lot more to this than meets the eye. For example, the original post said it would be good if the 'Innuos Radio' carried on playing related music from the same artist(s) from the internal storage - that is not quite the same as a music discovery tool as some have mentioned in the comments. Finding related Qobuz music off of Qobuz playlists (and likewise with Tidal) is more feasible, but combining all the streaming service AND matching with local files is quite a bit more challenging. Again, this is something Roon can leverage better because part of the their subscription cost is to cover the advanced metadata services it implements - a free software platform will be comparatively a bit more limited.
In terms of playing related/relevant music from a queue of locally stored tracks, this could be feasible as long as the Tags are generally in good order across the library, and yes playing other tracks from the back catalogues of artists that appeared in the recently played. The expectation of how streaming services will contribute to this point that needs to be examined.

In short, it would need to be determined if the 'Innuos Radio' function would be a tool for discovery, or a tool for playing fairly 'safe-bet' existing music from your library, as the 'algorithm' implications are very different between the two.

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Hi Stephen any sort of keeps playing similar music would be good. Don’t care where it comes from.



Stephen, Thank you for making this clarification. Speaking for myself, I would be very happy if the Qobuz „Autoplay“ function, which is available in the native app could be implemented.

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Sorry, double entry …



A choice would be good. "How would you like Innuos Radio to run...?"
- Play related music from the same artist(s)/Genre/Selected Genres in my library storage
- Play related music from my streaming service EG. Tidal
- Play my chosen internet Radio Service EG. Radio Paradise


Tony H

"Finding related Qobuz music off of Qobuz playlists (and likewise with Tidal) is more feasible, but combining all the streaming service AND matching with local files is quite a bit more challenging....In short, it would need to be determined if the 'Innuos Radio' function would be a tool for discovery, or a tool for playing fairly 'safe-bet' existing music from your library"

For me, the Radio function is largely about discovery of new music. If it's more difficult to combine local files with Tidal/Qobuz files, I would be fine with playing music from just the latter. I don't necessarily need to hear music from my existing library if it makes it harder (and takes longer) to implement.





Tony H

Another vote for something like Roon Radio. It's probably the biggest source I rely on to find new music, outside of the Recommended Albums page that displays new albums it think I will like. If Sense had this, truly it would make the most compelling reason for me to leave Roon.

Also having this feature automatically kick in after the last track is played from Playlist, Album etc would be amazing (as Roon does)

Cheers guys



Please can innuos have this feature that roon radio has.


Stephen Healy

Merged with: Innuos roon radio


Nuno Vitorino

Status changed to: Open


Stephen Healy

Status changed to: In Progress


Bjørn Flindt

A radio feature to discover new music, as my biggest distress about all the available music from my service is to know it’s there.

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Bert v H

I would prefer a radio which discovers new music :-)

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Stephen Healy

This is something we could consider, but there are two schools of thought to achieve this.
A lot of the 'Radio' functions used in other software and services essentially use outsourced-database providers that form algorithms based on general user listening habits, so can make reasonable estimations about related music. This is another service that comes at a cost which does it make it prohibitive.
It would be more plausible for us to instead assess listening habits that are made just by you, locally within your Innuos system, to ensure something relevant is played that you like.
So; do people want an 'Innuos Radio' function to play music that you know you like, or do you want it to be discovery tool for new music (which relies on streaming services)?


Torben Grell

I used to use Roon Radio, and now use Qobus Radio - and that is definitely as a discovery tool. So that is my wish for the implementation.


Andy Kennedy

When coming up with a playlist, it would be great that when the playlist finishes, there might be a way to have it auto-populate with a random selection or from a particular genre (smartfill??). This would mean that rather than stopping after the last track, the music would continue ad infinitum.


Stephen Healy

Hi Andy, you can effectively achieve this now with the Smart Mix feature; choose your tag criteria and start playing and this will generate a relevant playlist that can go on indefinitely. Initially only 20 tracks will appear, but after which it will generate another 20 and keep going...


Stephen Healy

Merged with: Autofill playlist if empty


Mike Tennant

I would like to see something like Roon Radio. Where Innuos would play random music based on the music I listen too. If Innous had this function I would no longer need Roon!

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Stephen Healy

Merged with: Music Mix based on Library



Add my vote please. This was another great feature I used on Roon before switching to Sense.

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An Auto function that can play a mix of your favorites along with music from beyond your library, using the vast catalog of music from TIDAL and Qobuz.

A Smart mix that makes recommendations based on not only your own music preferences but also those of other Innuos Sense users with similar tastes in music.
As you listen to and interact with Auto Smart Mix over time, it learns more about what you like and helps you discover new music by curating great recommendations.

Most importantly , a smart mix that will automatically start after current music selection ends.

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Nuno Vitorino

Merged with: Auto Smart Mix Option


Phill R

Could something like Roon radio be added that automatically plays similar music once an album has finished, a nice way to explore new music I found when using Roon


Nuno Vitorino

Merged with: Something like Roon radio



Roon Radio can play a mix of your favorites along with music from beyond your library, using the vast catalog of music from TIDAL and Qobuz.

Roon Radio makes recommendations based on not only your own music preferences but also those of other Roon subscribers with similar tastes in music. Use the thumbs up and down buttons to craft a personal, one-of-a-kind radio experience. As you listen to and interact with Roon Radio over time, it learns more about what you like and helps you discover new music by curating great recommendations.

Would be great to have a Sense version of Roon Radio.


Nuno Vitorino

Merged with: A Sense version of "Roon Radio"



Track Radio or Artist Radio is an easy way to learn about similar artists. Or just if I’m in the mood to listen to a station created for similar songs to one I like.


Nuno Vitorino

Merged with: Track Radio



Approximately what are the implementation times for this innovation?


Nuno Vitorino

Merged with: Artist and Track Radio



We have been using BluOS and loved the track radio. A great way to hear similar songs or artists.



This could be as simple as picking loved tracks from similar genres to begin with. I have cancelled my Roon subscription due to the promising development with InnuOS sense. Loving it. Keep up the great work!


Claude Ostiguy

I really like this feature!


Nuno Vitorino

Merged with: Autoplay same genre tracks



Option to enable Autoplay of similar tracks at the end of an album. Play other tracks from my collection that are in the same genre.

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Nuno Vitorino

Merged with: Roon Radio like feature



A feature similar to Roon Radio that will continue to play related music after one’s selected music has ended.

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Nuno Vitorino



Is it possible to have a facility to have music continue in similar vane when the chosen music ends ?

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Nuno Vitorino

Merged with: Roon radio replacement


James Guild

Hi, I'm loving the innuOS app. The only thing I miss about Roon is its Roon radio algorithm that would automatically play similar tracks/artist after I'd listened to an album. I'm using Qobuz, I think they have a similar program? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Thanks James.

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Nuno Vitorino

Status changed to: Under review


James Guild

Very happy with innOS 2.0. The only thing I miss about roon is after I listen to an album of song is the roon radio algorithm that plays similar tracks/genre from then on. Is this possible? I'm a qobuz user, does qobuz have this feature?


Nuno Vitorino


Nuno Vitorino



Please add a Radio Function to find and play music based on a playlist, genre, artist, style, instrument, etc. This it eh best feature of Roon and sorely missing in Sense 2.08.

Otherwise, this is a great product.


Nuno Vitorino

Merged with: "Radio" feature



When album or playlist ends player would start playing similar artists/music automatically.