Merge double CD under one cover art (Merging Wizard)

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Don't think this can be done at the moment?


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Stephen Healy

Status changed to: Live


Stephen Healy

Status changed to: Testing


Mike Hughes

Good example of the flaw in the current model is something like Bob Dylan in Mono box on CD. Easy to set up with one cover and multiple disks but you instantly lose the fact that disc one is his first album and isn’t Highway 61 etc. You also lose those individual album covers despite the fact that the CD biox has CDs with duplicates of the original covers.

So, would be useful if the new wizard allowed the grouping together of discs more easily but still alloiwed for individual naming. Would be nice if each disc then had a thmbnail of the actuial album cover but the set had the image of the collection.

Again, good example of this would be the Decca classical boxes. 50 CDs; lots of brilliant and distiunctive art work. All lost once you merge them as a collection.

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Stephen Healy

Status changed to: In Progress


Stephen Healy

Whilst there is a manual process to correct this, we do want to make this easier with a Merging Wizard that we are developing which will make this easier. Will revise name and status of this request to reflect this forthcoming feature.

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You can merge together, by giving the album the same name and album artist.. the current limitation is that the 'discs' themselves can't be named, so you potentially lose the ability to describe the different discs in a boxset or compilation - there is a separate feature request for this feedback.innuos.com/b/feature-requests/add-searchable-disc-title/

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Stephen Healy

Hi, the way to complete this at the moment would be to just make sure the tracks have the correct Disc Number information, then make sure the album and artist information is exactly the same. This should merge the two discs under a single album, but still have DISC 1 and DISC 2 separation within the overall album.
We are working on a new merge process soon which should help simplify this type of processing.

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Thanks! It's worked for some albums but not others for some reason.

Can you please just clarify what you mean by 'Disc Number information' ?


Stephen Healy

When going into editing mode, or viewing the metadata via another application for that matter, you will see that each song file has a Track Number as you would expect. But, they also have a Disc Number! For the majority of albums this will always be Disc 1 because it only consists of one disc. But on multi-disc albums, this is of course where you would apply Disc 2, Disc 3 etc so that the server knows how to group these discs. Otherwise, if we take the example of an album consisting of 3 discs, you end up with all 3 Tracks 1s in a row, then all the Track 2s etc, all squashed together into one big album. Correctly assigning the Disc Number in the track information will resolve this.

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This works very well as long as all discs have exactly the same Name and the same Album Artist and then the proper disc number...

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