New music editing


Currently new music can be on or off. When on it seems to have everything downloaded. Is it possible that this could be editable so that what's shown is the last few downloaded items selected by individual users.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Stephen Healy

Current options for the scope of editing the NEW MUSIC section could be:
- Filtering/hiding different sources (for example to show CD rips only, hide Tidal)
- Change number of albums shown, 50/100/200
- Quantify instead by timeframes (last 2 weeks, last month, six months etc)


Mike Hughes

Is there any way the New Music button could be extended beyond the last one hundred albums?

I often add albums before they’re released on Qobuz and by the time the album is actually out it can have slipped out of the hundred.

Equally it would be nice to have different options such as last three or six months. There’s no need to go beyond that as the twelve month option is catered for by using the year as the search word.


Stephen Healy

Merged with: New Music



Mike - assume you know this but thought I would mention just in case...! You can view all albums and then sort by added date.... that will bring back your whole catalogue in added date order

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Mike Hughes

I did know that Dan but thanks for the reminder. My point was solely in reference to the New Music button.

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Have an option to filter out Qobuz and Tidal from new music. Leaving only files on the server.


Stephen Healy

Merged with: Filter New Music


Nuno Vitorino

Hi Martin, New Music shows the lat 100 Albums added to the Music Library. Do you mean this list could show, say, only albums added in the last 2 weeks?



Ideally any downloaded track should be added to new music as it currently does and presumamably after 100 is reached the next one in bumps the first one off the end. Ideally any track in new music would be able to be removed by the user at a time of their choosing.


Nuno Vitorino

ok, so if I understand correctly, what you'd like is the possibility to edit what is shown as New Music, a bit like marking the album or tracks like favorites?



Related - actually having a global filter to 'hide' streaming services, or even 'hide' local (and only show streaming services) would be useful i.e. similar to the album filter, but across all views including the home page / widgets

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