Set Added Date on Sense for TIDAL/Qobuz albums with the date they were added to the streaming service

Nuno Vitorino

Currently, the Added date on a TIDAL/Qobuz album that has been added to the Music Library is the date that album has been synced with Sense and not the date it was added to the Qobuz/TIDAL library. The API now provides a way to get that information so we will get the date in which the album/track was added to TIDAL/Qobuz and use that as the Added Date on Sense. This should bring temporal consistency to music added regardless of being added locally or from streaming services.


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Kristian Ginnane

Albums I have saved in Qobuz and Tidal are randomly appearing in New Music. This is messing up the sort by Date Added function, and burying newly added albums - very annoying! Can this be fixed ASAP please.


Stephen Healy

Merged with: New Music issues


Stephen Healy

Hi Kristian, in forthcoming update 3.1 we are respecting the 'Date Added' of music on the respective streaming services, so that when they enter Sense library the Date Added is not the day you synced the service to the server, but the date you actually originally 'Added' those favourites on the streaming service itself.


Stephen Healy

Status changed to: Testing


Nuno Vitorino

Status changed to: In Progress


Nuno Vitorino

Status changed to: In Progress