Sort albums by import date

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Florian Scheiber

Thanks for adding the album sort function "by artist"! I would appreciate also "sorting by import date" - which would equal not limiting New Music to just 100 albums but a view of the whole library.


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Edward E.

I would like the option for my Sense library to automatically display each artist's albums in chronological order of "release date".


C Cook

Yes totally agree....this is great. thanks!


Stephen Healy

Status changed to: Live


Stephen Healy

Implemented through innuOS update 2.4.1


Stephen Healy

Merged with: Sort albums by import date


Florian Scheiber

Thanks for the new option to sort albums by artist name! I would find it very helpful to add the function sort by import date! Or the equivalent: Don't restrict New music to the last 100 but show all in their order of import date!?


Nuno Vitorino

Merged with: Sort albums in both directions



Version 2.4.0 added a new feature so that we can finally sort Qobuz albums by Date and by Added Date.
However, we can only sort in one direction. This is the case for both the Android app and web versions. It only appears possible to sort by date ascending. This means that to browse my most recent additions I have to scroll all the way to the bottom of many, many albums.
It seems an odd omission. And seemingly easy to implement.


Nuno Vitorino

In fact, the implementation released is not correct - it was supposed to be always descending rather than ascending. I believe it's the most useful way. Unfortunately a communication issue with the team means the spec was written as asceding so even our QA certified it because it was according to spec... We'll fix this very soon. Stay tuned and my apologies for this.

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Jarvis Lo

Customer service number 1 … reactive, pro all the customers want 👍



Can't both be offered? Obviously it would require a small button to switch between Asc and Desc, but appears to me to be worth it. Sometimes, I might want to browse old albums, or albums I favourited years ago and haven't played for ages.


Nuno Vitorino

Technically it's no problem but we were trying to avoid cluttering the UI with lots of buttons/options. Our reasoning was that if 90% of the time we want the most recent on top then we add that by default and it's always possible to go to the bottom and go up from there.


Nuno Vitorino

This has now be implemented and will be available on version 2.4. There are 2 additional sort options on albums: By Added Date and by Date (meaning album Date).


Florian Scheiber

Thanks, Nuno, for your great work! I'm very pleased to read that this request will be out soon!


Jarvis Lo

maybe for the next update you could add "from last to first" and "from first to last" ?


Nuno Vitorino

Status changed to: Testing


Kristian Ginnane

I would love to see this for Artist, Album, and Track please



Je suis aussi très intéressé par date d'ajout des albums stockés sur le SSD. Merci pour votre prise en compte.


Nuno Vitorino

Status changed to: In Progress



Now you can see the 100 latest albums added. Can this number be increased to for example 500?


Florian Scheiber

I would be more than happy to see this feature soon. In a fast growing library it's easy to loose track....


Jarvis Lo

any date for these feature ?


Florian Scheiber

Thanks for adding the option sort albums by artists in 2.0.6! I would find it very helpful to also be able to sort by import date! Or the equivalent: Do not restrict NEW ALBUMS to 100 but show all albums here in their import order!?

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Nuno Vitorino

Merged with: Sort albums by import date


Nuno Vitorino

Merged with: Sort


Skerdi Kostreci

Please add sorting by:

1) Most recent added to library

2) Most recently listened

This is when showing all Albums in library

Also, when showing the albums for an artist, please allow to sort them by release date



Import date sorting is extremely useful, especially in an actively growing library.

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James Wright

+1 A very useful way of finding music in an ever growing library.


Nuno Vitorino

Hi Skerdi,

Most recently added to library can be seen under Music > New Music. Not sure it makes sense to order all albums in a library by the time they were added to the music library. As for Most Recently Listened, you do have the Home widget for that as well as History on the Now Playing screen. Is this what you are after? If not, can you please detail the circumstances under which these options will be useful?


Skerdi Kostreci

Hi Nuno. For a large library, it’s important for me to be able to see the albums that I have most recently added to my library, mostly from Qobuz. I just tend to play them more often, as the “old” albums I have already played them so many times over many years.

Also, when showing the albums for an artist, please allow to sort them by release date.



Marco Striewe

Sort the library after import date and release date would be so helpful.

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C Cook

+1 for this feature


Jarvis Lo

It would be interesting too to make intelligent playlist : creating a playlist with albums from date to date


Nuno Vitorino

Would then this be a matter of having New Music allowing to return more albums?


Florian Scheiber

Hello Nuno, yes indeed, New Music would show the whole library (all albums) by order of import. Or, which effectively serves the same purpose, a "sort by import date" function would be added to "Albums" which makes a bit more sense. New music would then still be limited to only really new music! Thanks for consideration!

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Jarvis Lo

can't wait this option :) do you have a date ?


Nuno Vitorino

Status changed to: Under review