Track playing progress bar.


When playing any track from a playlist, the track progress bar is quite narrow, as in thickness top to bottom. I use Edge browser on my laptop and even though the progress bar does go from side to side of the screen, the bar ought to be thicker making it easier to view. Also, is there a possibility that the progress bar can be more visible. I mean a more stand out contrasting colour to the background. Otherwise very happy with Innuos Sense, any possible sound improvements are always most welcome.
Thank you.


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Stephen Healy

Status changed to: Open



Larger and easier to use controls that are not so close to the edge of the screen would be a very welcome addition to Sense. Bigger controls and increase all of the micro font as it is impossible to read.


Stephen Healy

There are a number of UX Improvements already in consideration and development that does make better use of the available space in some scenarios.
sgee - do you feel having a larger 'tracking' button would help? This would make is more visually easier to identify your current position on the track as well as easier to grab and move to a different part of the track?


Stephen Healy

Status changed to: Under review


Stephen Healy

Merged with: Please make slider controls & icons larger


Jim W

The controls are TOO small, especially on the “Now Playing” page.
Slider controls need much bigger buttons, and bars…hard to navigate on an iPhone, and even the iPad, with fingers.
You could also make the album image larger. Use all the screen real-estate!
Not looking for clutter, just larger, easier to use controls.
Thanks for considering this request.