Add Tidal Suggested Tracks

Gre Gor

Please can you add Tidal Suggested Tracks. I consider this to be a crucial feature which allows to discover new music, especially that there is no Tidal Connect available. This should really be a part of Tidal integration. Thank you


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Dom Tomas

Yes, Please add Tidal Connect integration


Stephen Healy

We are exploring Tidal Connect integration; would this sufficiently cover the Suggested Tracks feature or would you still have a preference to reach this mode via the Sense interface?


Gre Gor

I am really pleased to hear that you are exploring Tidal Connect integration. However, I still think that it would be great to have Suggested Tracks accessible via Sense App as well. I appreciate this would require more work but addition of new features like this would definitely make Sense app more attractive to all Innuos users. From my point of view, if I could access this feature via Tidal Connect only I would probably use just Tidal Connect but if I could use it via Sense app as well I might end up using Sense app as my main streaming option. Thanks

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