Soundiiz support


I've had many requests to share playlists. Roon has an option to export a file that Soundiiz.com can read and convert to many streaming services, including Qobuz and Tidal.

I would love to export a file (.m3u?) that's compatible with Soundiiz.com

Thank you.


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Stephen Healy

With Sense 3, playlists made in Sense comprising just of Tidal tracks can be saved as a 'TIDAL playlist' which will sync with their native app. Same principle is true for Qobuz. Would this cover this request?



I think the use case is more to be able to create a playlist using your own library in the sense app, and then be able to share that to others, or be able to sync that with your personal streaming services so you can then listen on the go / elsewhere (soundiiz import being one way to solve this). The restriction right now is any playlist created using your own library can only then be used on your Innuos device.

  • R

Stephen Healy

As far playlists made out of locally stored files within the Innuos - there really is no perfect mechanism to have these transformed into Qobuz or Tidal playlists. We do have the playlist export to USB feature which does create an m3u, but running this through Soundiiz produces mixed results.

The good news as i say is on Sense 3, if you use Sense to make a playlist that consists strictly of Tidal tracks, this will sync with Tidal native app so you can listen to it on the go and share it with other people more easily - even though it was originally created via Sense. This will also be true for Qobuz.



Interesting that you have had mixed results for m3u. It's not a format that I'm an expert with tbh, but i've run a few tests exporting from Apple music -> import to Soundiiz (using m3u), with my playlists ranging from a few tracks to 60+ tracks and had 100% success rate. If it's useful to provide some examples files, I'd be happy to do so. I'll try the USB export from Innuos to look at the format / run some comparison tests. I'm not precious with regards to Soundiiz, although I have found it to be one of the better playlist converters / migration tools over the past few years. I guess the 'ideal' Soundiiz integration, would be via API / authentication, but appreciate that's a much bigger initiative / feature (although remote access to music would be ++++ :-)). Being able to export / make available playlists in a recognised format was also at the source of this request that I raised previously - feedback.innuos.com/b/feature-requests/expose-playlists-to-sonos-upnp-1/


Kamran Hashmi

That would be really useful


Stephen Healy

Already have several requests for exporting to Tidal and Qobuz as separate services, but have not had requests for Soundiiz support so have renamed the topic to reflect this.



If exporting to either Qobuz or Tidal is possible I wouldn't ask for this. I figured it would be much easier to export to a format that Soundiiz.com can read and then can transfer the innuos sense app playlist to Tidal or Qobuz that way.


Stephen Healy

Generally that is easier and this is the approach seen by Roon. Auto synchronisation directly back to Tidal and Qobuz would be a complex endeavour but an interesting thing to investigate, i am not sure of anyone who offers this at the moment.



Seems you are half way there. Or it could be a lot more complicated than I realize.

Currently it's possible to export a .m3u with the actual tracks. An option to NOT export the track files and just about there.

Currently .m3u transfer to qobuz to get around 60% of the songs. Tidal I get error messages.