Highlight search results in playlists


The ability of Sense to find tracks in playlists is great and a progress over what was possible with ipeng etc. However, once the playlist is found, there is no way to see where in the playlist is the track(s) corresponding to the search results. One must scan the playlist to try and find them... It would be very nice to be able to see them easily. Ideally there would be a way to highlight the tracks corresponding to the search when I select the playlist from the search results: a different color, or a dot on the side...


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Dear reader, it would be a nice to have to get additional track-info about in which playlist a track appears. The search option is not always clear on that.


Stephen Healy

Merged with: Track info


Stephen Healy

Hi Harry, I just want to make sure i understand your request correctly.
When browsing through library, whether through search or results through Albums or Tracks menu etc, when you look at the further details of an individual track which would display its resolution, file path, tags etc, you would like a shortcut to be included in that information linking to any playlist(s) that track appears on in your Sense library?


Greg Bonda

Thanks for that request, I was going to submit one myself. Please can you add search option within playlists.


Stephen Healy

Hi Greg, I don't believe there is a request for this yet, so please could you create a new Feature Request for this option to have a Search function within playlists. Interestingly, i cannot find a previous request of this type so I don't believe it has been previously requested.



Hi Stephan, If my fist 'nice to have' isn't enough, I hereby request to get an option to search in a specified playlist for certain artists or tracks. If this is not possible a sort option in playlists would already be a great help. If I use te normal search option I do get info about if a track is in a playlist. When I open this playlist the system shows the complete playlist an not just the searched track, not even highlight it. In a list of more than 500 tracks this is still like a needle in a haystack. I also noticed that after multiple searches in this playlist the track was definitely not in the list. Something with Smart Puntuation.


Greg Bonda

Hi Harry59, as this is something I would also love to have I followed Stephen's advice above and submitted a separate feature request "Search function within playlist". It is currently in moderation so fingers crossed it will be approved and implemented soon. Thanks



highlighting the searched tracks in the playlist would be very, very useful as indeed just knowing an artist or piece is the playlist is not enough: finding it requires some highlighting.