Tags Search


My classical music is split by genre, Orchestral, Chamber, Choral, Opera and Vocal.
When I browse, for instance; Tags - Chamber Music, I get a list of composers and when I select one, I get all that composer’s music not just the Chamber Music recordings I was looking for.
I would like the Tags search to filter out everything else and just leave the genre, in this case Chamber Music, I was looking for.
I know I can type ‘Beethoven Chamber Music’ in the search box, but going via Tags would be easier.


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Gilou Gilou

Bonjour, je confirme qu’il serait urgent d’améliorer la recherche en musique classique,


Stephen Healy

Hi JQ, browsing via the Tags view can just yield Albums results (see image attached), so is your specific request that you are asking within an Artist/Composer view to have further narrowing down/filters of their discography?



I suppose it is.
In iPeng when choosing music I first search via genre then composer, so for instance I will go;- Chamber Music then from the list of presented composers choose say Beethoven and I will get a list of all Beethoven’s Chamber Music.
Now if I search via Tags and choose Chamber Music, I can get a list of Composers but if I choose Beethoven, I get all 55 Beethoven albums in all genres (Orchestral, Opera and Choral) not just his Chamber Music.
I think the only way I can replicate what iPeng does, is to type in the Search Box ‘Beethoven Chamber Music’.


Stephen Healy

Thanks for clarifying!
Request now published for public voting.



Yes, this is problematic, because it defeats the ability to browse rather than search a specific composer in a genre. The same issue happens in reverse: if I chose Sacred Music, and lists composers, when I chose one of the composers, I get all types of music from that composer, not just Sacred Music...



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