Album order under Qobuz

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Under Qobuz/Album, these are ordered in alphabetical manner. The order in which they have been added would be more useful, as in the Qobuz app. Otherwise offer more ways of ordering them.


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Stephen Healy

Status changed to: Live


Nuno Vitorino

Status changed to: Under review


Nuno Vitorino

Hi, actually this is already live for some time. On Music > Qobuz > Albums, the albums are already sorted by added date, from most recent to least. Adding further sorting options will make this screen load slower as we need to get all results first, then order (Qobuz does not provide the albums already ordered per sort type). Is this worth implementing in your opinion?



Hi Nuno, sorry if your message was not sent to me (sometimes it's a mess and I'm confused after having merged requests a few months old).

My request was related to the Artist screen on Qobuz: Music > Qobuz > Artist > Album
Here It would be very useful that the Album screen of an Artist (show all/Discography) brought more essential infos (also enabling to sort by them):
- year of original publication of the album
- studio vs live album
- original vs compilation
- LP vs EP version
- Already in My Library

Every time I need to open the Album from the list, to understand if it is an EP or a Live or a compilation or the year or if it has been already added to My library, than it's very annoying because the page/list is reloaded from the start and it's needed to scroll down again to come back to the same album of the Artist list.

Year of original issue/live/compilation/LP should be immediately viewable in Artist Album screen - year as number and others as TAGS symbols (BADGE) at the same way already done with “HD”.

As for Music > Qobuz > Albums screen I like the actual order by added date. Eventually the actual filter by genre could be implemented with the TAGS above mentioned, too. It could be speed as default, less speed if a filter is applied by the user.

Really appreciated, thank you



Hi Nuno, is this feature still scheduled in 2.5.5 version? Status went from in progress to open?


Stephen Healy

Hi Luca, it is on our scope for one of the next development runs, but got pushed back and is not going to be in 2.5.5 which is why the status was changed.


Nuno Vitorino

Status changed to: Open


Nuno Vitorino

Status changed to: In Progress


Nuno Vitorino

Unfortunately this feature did not come in time for version 2.5.0, which is now entering release testing. The development will now transition to version 2.5.5, which is the next minor version.

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It would be very useful to have sorting option in Qobuz artist.
Id like alphabetic order just like tidal. Right now we can only see dated added

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Stephen Healy

Merged with: Qobuz / Artist sorting



It would be very useful, especially when searching from Qobuz, that the Album screen of an Artist (show all/Discography) brought more essential tools, like sorting artist albums for:
- year of original publication of the album (each time I have to go to Roon or Wikipedia to check original album cronologically in order of issue)
- studio vs live album
- original vs compilation
= LP vs EP version

Date of publication/live/compilation/LP might also be immediately viewable Iin Artist Album screen - year as number and others as TAGS symbols (BADGE) at the same way already done with “HD”. Qobuz has already each one of these informations for each album, so why not showing better them and allowing to order album list from them?

Searching for new music to listen to of an Artist production requires this feature as essential to select only album of interest (studio vs live compilation) and to save or play only albums of a specific period (decades like 70s) or to understand the musical evolution of an artist (listening some albums before than others - discovering that during 80” the artists recorded lots of music and 90’ nothing and so on).

Really appreciated, thank you

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Stephen Healy

Merged with: Album from an Artist more infos



I totally agree and here I’m glad to report a feature request I already posted on August 2022, a year ago, to be merged if you agree, because strictly related to Qobuz area (it means before adding an album to the library, if I’m not wrong exactly what Günther said in his post:

It would be very useful, especially when searching from Qobuz, that the Album screen of an Artist (show all/Discography) brought more essential tools, like sorting artist albums for:
- year of original publication of the album (each time I have to go to Roon or Wikipedia to check original album cronologically in order of issue)
- studio vs live album
- original vs compilation
= LP vs EP version

Date of publication/live/compilation/LP might also be immediately viewable Iin Artist Album screen - year as number and others as TAGS symbols (BADGE) at the same way already done with “HD”. Qobuz has already each one of these informations for each album, so why not showing better them and allowing to order album list from them?

Searching for new music to listen to of an Artist production requires this feature as essential to select only album of interest (studio vs live compilation) and to save or play only albums of a specific period (decades like 70s) or to understand the musical evolution of an artist (listening some albums before than others - discovering that during 80” the artists recorded lots of music and 90’ nothing and so on).

Really appreciated, thank you


Stephen Healy

We agree, we will now be looking at a better refinement of the Qobuz/Tidal artist discography and how it is displayed. Sorting by release dates is one element, but as you say the distinction of LPs, EPs, Singles, Live albums, compilations etc should also be addressed. We will place this on our roadmap.

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Stephen Healy

Status changed to: Testing


Stephen Healy

Hi Luca,
Although all related to sorting, there are a number of different criteria here and a lot of these are now in other requests;
Group by decade: feedback.innuos.com/b/feature-requests/sort-albums-by-release-date-decade/
Distinction between LP and EP: feedback.innuos.com/b/feature-requests/distinguish-between-full-length-albums-and-eps/
The arrangement of Artist albums to be sorted by year of release is already in progress and will be corrected in one of the next software updates.

One idea that is a bit more distinct in your comments is to use 'badges' or symbols to indicate a live album, or a compilation. Please do feel free to start this as a new feature request.

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Hi Stephen,

thank you for reading my comment of one year ago.

I think that the point in all my requests above is that are all related to a specific area of Sense App: the Qobuz pages. It means the Artist page of Qobuz before adding the album to “my library”.

Can you merge my request with this one already existing and actually “In progress Status”?





example - I'm pretty sure The Beatles didn't release 249 albums

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Biggest frustration is Searching/Listing of Artist, i.e.

Finding an artist, especially a new artist who you're not familiar with & then trying to understand what releases are in what order, are they a main album or an EP??

Please, Please....order them by release date or in some form of chronological order that makes sense, we can go on their album journey.

Please separate LP's from EP's so it's clear what their main releases are., like Qobuz, they separate EP's & Singles from main Albums

Remove other artists who have covered songs, albums with similar names?? make that a separate section,

Also....why is it that after you've scrolled through a few pages of albums..or EP's!, Sense needs to refresh but it takes you back to the top of the list 😡

These issues need to be fixed ASAP as it's ruining the enjoyment of discovering new artist which was one of the most satisfying aspects of ROON.

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Biggest frustration is Searching, i.e.

Finding an artist, especially a new artist who you're not familiar with & then trying to understand what releases are in what order, are they a main album or an EP??

Please, Please....order them by release date or in some form of chronological order that makes sense (that we can choose maybe?).

Please separate LP's from EP's so it's clear what their main releases are. Maybe add EP's with singles??

Remove other artists who have covered songs, albums with similar names??

Also....why is it that after you've scrolled through a few pages of albums..or EP's!, Sense needs to refresh but it takes you back to the top of the list 😡

These issues need to be fixed ASAP as it's ruining the enjoyment of discovering new artist which was one of the most satisfying aspects of ROON.



Sorting by date added is more useful than by artist ... at least in my listening, no matter which app or player.

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Sorting by date added is more useful than by artist, regardless of app or player.


Nuno Vitorino

Merged with: Qobuz listings



Will listing of favourite albums in Qobuz be available by date added order at some point?
In all other apps in which I use Qobuz, incl. Qobuz itself, date added order is default. Would love to see this feature included within Sense.